Course # IA-101
IA-101: Internal Affairs Investigations
Course Description: Good administrative misconduct (IA) investigations are the cornerstone for transparency, accountability, public trust, community support and reducing organization liability. This course provides investigation techniques that have been successfully used to complete basic and complex internal investigations. Best practices will be shared along with hands-on practical application and tools that can be put to use immediately.
This is a highly interactive/hands-on, course. Through facilitation, group discussion, and team exercises attendees learn the fundamentals of internal affairs investigations, breaking down complex investigations, creating an interview matrix and writing a comprehensive report. Templates will be shared for a variety of investigations such as Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Use of Force, criminal complaints, and others.
IA-101 Course objectives:
Participants will have the opportunity to develop a basic understanding of;
- The role and history of misconduct investigations in law enforcement
- Responsibility to investigate and identification of complaints
- Using templates / best practices for various types of investigations
- How to prepare for and conduct effective interviews
- Why and how to develop an interview matrix
- Conducting investigations into criminal matters
- Handling administrative evidence
- Effectiveness of preparing electronic/digital investigations
- Handling stress and risks for Internal Affairs Investigators
This class is for Law Enforcement Professionals (sworn and non-sworn)
- With limited or no internal affairs experience and or training
- Responsible for Internal Affairs investigations
- Interested in law enforcement internal affairs investigations
- Interested in best practices for internal affairs investigations
- Interested in practical (hands-on) experience in conducting and writing internal affairs investigations
The course includes a flash drive containing class material to include templates and reports. All participants must bring a laptop with AC power cord and PowerPoint, Word, and Excel programs. Although not required it is best if the laptop has Internet WiFi capability.